Kembali lagi dengan Dina disini, tentunya masih dengan semangat yang membara dalam mempelajari IELTS, yomms!

Well, before we start the lessons..
Sedikit intermezzo aja nih, jadi periode ini adalah bulan kedua ku kursus di English Studio (ES), Pare. Yeay!

Entah senang atau sedih sih, sedih karena waktuku untuk belajar disini only two weeks left :’(
Senangnya adalah.. Alhamdulillah aku sudah naik kelas. Yuhu! Sekarang aku ada di kelas C2, untuk teman-teman yang pernah les di ES atau mungkin pernah cari tahu tentang ES, pasti tahu bahwa kelas C2 ini adalah level terwaw di ES yang langsung dibimbing oleh Mr. Eddy (Founder English Studio). 

Saking hebatnya beliau sampe ada jargon dari teman-teman yang dulu pernah les disini “kalo les di English Studio belum sampe kelasnya Mr. Eddy, beuhh belom afdol (sah) wkwk” tapi benar loh ini, mungkin buat teman-teman yang belum tahu, Mr. Eddy ini ga diragukan lagi lah untuk IELTS!
So, intinya adalah.. I’ll share about “What learned in C2 Class?”

Jawabanya, BUANYAAK BANGET SIH yang dipelajari dan tentu berfaedah,
Untuk dikesempatan kali ini topik “WRITING” sepertiya menarik hmm…
Okehh, kita mulai untuk membahas tentang rahasia yang tersembunyi di WRITING TASK 2.
Wahhh apa tuhh!!!

Here we go!
Percayalah.. bahwa di Writing Task 2 ini tidak sesulit apa yang kamu kira, juga pula tak semudah apa yang kamu pikirkan. Lah, jadi apa?

Ini semua tentan pemahaman kita menganalisa pertanyaan dan kemampuan kamu dalam menjawab pertanyaan.
Baik, jadi ginihh….
Ada soal nih…

Many museums charge for admission while others are free.
Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Nah, apasih yang ditanya oleh soal itu dan gimana cara kita jawabnya?

Pahami soalnya, isunya apa nih?
Many museums charge for admission while others are free.
Oke baik, jadi intinya: Banyak museum yang mengenakan biaya, sedangkan sebagian lainnya gratis.

Pahami baik-baik, apa instruksinya?
Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

Oke baik, yuk kita fokus pada highlight kuning. Wah ada kata outweigh apa tuh?
OUTWEIGH artinya sama dengan MORE THAN, maka kalimat tersebut memiliki arti inti:

Keuntungan dari charging people for admission  itu lebih banyak dari pada kerugiannya?
Terus gimana caranya menentukan apakah memang benar keuntungannya lebih besar?
Pertama-tama, silahkan list baik keuntungan maupun kerugian.

Keuntungan jika pengunjung bayar tiket masuk (charging people for admission) :
1.       Conservation /Maintance
2.       Salary for the staff
3.       Improve new facilities

Kerugian jika pengunjung bayar tiket masuk, apa sih dampaknya?
1.       Not everyone has a same opportunity to gain the knowledge in the museum
2.       Reducing number of visitors

CARILAH mana diantara keuntungan dan kerugian ini yang DAMPAKnya terhadap sosial itu lebih beresiko? (bukan dilihat dari seberapa banyak kuantitasnya).

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Nah kalau yang ini, jangan lupa ada “s” di-reason  dan example. Artinya, alasan serta contoh yang diberikan harus lebih dari satu.

Nah biar lebih jelas, teman-teman bisa pahami dari MODEL ANSWER berikut :

Museums are educational places which are beneficial for people in societies. However, these days, people have to pay an entrance fee to enter many museums. Although this phenomenon can lead to negative effects, I believe that there are for more positive effects.

It cannot be denied that price of tickets can bring about detrimental impacts to people, societies, and the museums themselves. From people’s perspective, they are discouraged to visit the museum and not able to access useful information and knowledge freely, particularly the poor because they cannot afford such amount. From societies’ perspective, citizens have fewer opportunities to access vitally significant places to learn history, science, art, and many other essential subjects. From museums’ perspective, they cannot attain one of their objectives to educate people. Moreover, they may have to close down as they lose more of their customers.

Despite aforementioned disadvantages, I am convinced that to charge for admission figures brings about a myriad of advantages. Firstly, museums will have money to operate which covers their business overhead such as personnel cost, equipments, electricity and water bills. Secondly, the museums can generate their own revenue to improve the place effectively to attract people, for example, to update their exhibits and keep the place clean and good-looking. Having visited many museums myself, I have learnt that many museums which sell tickets are better than those that do not charge for tickets in terms of places, information, and management.

In conclusion, although I recognize that the museums ticket sales can cause drawbacks to stakeholders in societies, I believe that museums should not remain free for all so as to be operated and developed most effectively.

Baikk, sudah cukup penjelasan hari iniii mengenaik memaknai arti “outweigh” dalam WRITING TASK 2. Nah, untuk #IELTSJOURNAL berikutnya, insyaaAllah akan lebih keren lagi!

Referensi :

#englishstudio #englishstudioindonesia #englishstudiopare #ieltspare #ieltsenglishstudio #beasiswaieltspare #kampunginggrispare #kampunginggris #ieltskampunginggris


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